How to Schedule Time For Self-Care When You Don’t Have Time

“You should meditate for twenty minutes a day, unless you are too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”
~ Old Zen Proverb

For some reason we all know that self-care is important, but we tend to put it at the bottom of our to-do list.  If we can just push through the “important” things, we’ll make time for ourselves … eventually.  Right? 

Sound familiar?  

Yeah, I used to feel that way too, especially when I worked in Corporate America.  Everything seemed like a priority and although everyone said self-care was important, they also added four more projects to my plate and asked to have them completed sooner than later.  Mixed messages for sure.  Never mind commitments outside of work that also take up tons of time.  

So, even if you are convinced that self-care is important, I know you have a seriously busy schedule and it might seem impossible to somehow find extra time to squeeze in self-care activities.  Thankfully, after struggling with this myself for many years, I figured out how to fit it all in!  In today’s blog I’m sharing how to make time for yourself, even with an extremely busy schedule, so that you can make better decisions, be more productive, have healthier relationships, and reduce your overall stress and anxiety.  

The Busier You Are, The More Important Self-Care Becomes 

In my blog, “I Bet You’d Never Guess Why Self-Care Is So Important” I share how overusing your brain’s executive functions without regrouping or downtime is a key component in feeling depleted. And a great way to avoid depletion is to find activities that will help you recharge and refill your energy.  

But when you are busy, it can be hard to remember how vital self-care is to your overall health and well-being.  But here’s the thing.  Taking time for self-care actually gives you back more time by giving you more energy and focus to get the things done with more clarity and speed.  

Here’s an example:  

Let’s say you are feeling depleted at the end of the day because work was stressful, you had to drive the kids to their after-school activities and then you made dinner for the family all before cleaning up the kitchen and then sitting down to finish that one last assignment you promised would be done for tomorrow.  

I’m exhausted just typing all that out. 

Knowing how you would feel in that situation, how long do you think it would take to get that assignment done?  And do you think it would be your best work? My guess is that you know it would take forever to get focused and more likely than not, you wouldn’t be giving it your all.  

Then imagine instead of sitting down to finish that last assignment, you decided to take 10 minutes to walk outside, listen to your favorite music, work on a puzzle, write in your journal, or practice some yoga.  In those 10 minutes, you would begin to feel more relaxed and clear.  If you sat down to finish that assignment after those 10 minutes of self-care, you would most likely get the assignment done quicker and it would be a better product because you were focused and had more energy.  

Self-care is vitally important so you can show up at your very best for yourself and your loved ones.  Self-care is not selfish.  It’s a part of being able to function in life.  Without it, you are left depleted and overwhelmed.  With it, you are left feeling energized, more productive and able to take on the world!   

So, here are a few suggestions on how to make time for yourself, even with a busy schedule.    

How To Make Time For Yourself 

Break It Up

I know setting aside an hour a day for yourself seems impossible.  So try breaking it up!  Take short breaks during your day for your self-care activities.  Maybe spend 5 minutes on a core strengthening routine in the morning or take 10 minutes at lunch for a stretch break.  You might take another 5 minutes in the afternoon to meditate and another 10 minutes to go for a walk.  Eventually, these all add up and you’re not left feeling overwhelmed trying to find an entire hour to get it all done. 

Get Creative With Your Busy Schedule
Your busy schedule can completely dictate your life.  But getting creative with it can put you back in the driver's seat when it comes to self-care.  If you travel for work, schedule an evening “in” and get room service and rent a good movie.  If you need to be in the office, schedule lunch with coworkers or take 15 minutes to eat mindfully away from your desk. Or between zoom meetings schedule 5 minutes to get up to stretch or move your body.  It’s really incredible how just 5 to 10 minutes can make a big difference.

Build a Habit
Sometimes the best way to fit in self-care is to create a routine and stick to it.  For example, when you get home from work maybe you put on your comfy clothes right away and take a few minutes to move and breathe. Or, maybe you turn off all electronics an hour before bedtime to start and unwind, preparing for a good night’s sleep.  Although this one is hard, if you do it a few times, it will become second nature. The idea is to find something that you can repeat on a  regular basis so that it becomes a habit.  If you do these small things every day, they will become something you can’t live without!  

And even with all that, I bet I still know what you are thinking. You don’t even have 5 minutes to yourself to try any of these things!   So here are a few ideas for self-care that you can do in less than a minute. 

Quick Hit Self-Care Tips

  • Take a Breather.  Stop what you are doing and take a deep breath. It’s amazing how just one deep breath will bring you back to the present moment, allowing you to respond to a situation instead of react to it.

  • Look around.  Use your sense of sight to notice 5 things around you.  Really focus on what you see - the color, texture, shape, size, etc.  This acts as a little mini-reset for your brain to stop what it’s doing, reboot, and then be a bit more clear to finish the task at hand.  

  • Eat Mindfully - Have you ever slowed down enough to notice what you are eating?  It’s a powerful practice.  Pay attention to each bite without the distractions of your computer, phone, TV or conversations with others.  Really notice how the food looks, tastes, smells, and what it’s texture feels like.  Simply enjoying your food can bring your awareness to the present and increase your sense of gratitude for the wonderful meal you are enjoying.  

  • Put your cell phone down.  If you are anything like me, my phone is attached to my hip.  And some of my friends even have their Apple Watch telling them everything they need to know in a moment’s notice.  But a technology break can be very rewarding.  Technology can be over stimulating, so taking short breaks from time to time can help to refill your energy and improve your focus.  

  • Stretch or Move.  From your seat, simply inhale and bring your arms over your head, wiggling your torso from side to side.  Release your arms and then roll your shoulders in both directions.  Take a simple twist to the left and then to the right.  End with some neck circles or wrist circles.  These small, quick movements will help reset the mind and body.  

  • Reframe the issue.  Instead of focusing on the negative of  a situation, see if you can switch your perspective and find something positive about what is happening.  It might not be easy to do this at first, but reframing the issue can give you a sense of gratitude that will help ease any tension or stress in the moment.  

So there you have it! A few tricks to make time for yourself, even when you have a busy schedule. And trust me - I get it. I don’t always follow these rules myself! It’s hard! But on the days I do, I feel more grounded, more productive and less anxious. Which is why I make self-care a priority and I hope you will too.


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